Unable To Open Anything On A Server
Sujeet Pandey | Fri, 01 Sep 2017 at 17:07 hours | Replies : 3 | Points : 50
Category : Windows Server 2003
Hi ,
I am unable to open anything on a server and getting below error while opening any application/exe in a server.
Error: the application failed to initialize because the window station is shutting down
Each time event information 26 generates for application popup event.
Please help.
Hi Sujeet,
Please try to reboot the server in "Safe Mode" and see. Second thing please disable the “Error Reporting Service" and check.
Hi Santosh,
Let me add more symptoms of the issue.
1. The issue observed for a user profile only. its working fine for other users
2. The issue doesn't appear at beginning of the user login, but it takes some time.
3. The User Logoff & Login resolves the issue for some time.
4. The user Id is also being used as a service Id for a application
We don't have option to rename the user profile. (client is not agree with this step). I have checked start up programs. All is well there.
open the below mentioned registry hives and check if there is any program in autorun. if yes then disable if for some time and check.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Run
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Run