
GPO Is Not Reflecting.

Rishabh Jain | Thu, 13 Jul 2017 at 15:49 hours | Replies : 2 | Points : 100

Category : Active Directory

GPO is not reflecting in IE11 for proxy setting tab. when we downgrade the IE 11 to IE 9 its working but after upgrading from 9 to 11 its not working. We have checked RSOP and gpresult. Policy is applied on the machine but it is not reflecting.

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Hi Rishabh,


I faced the same issue in past, Please consider below point while configuring IE proxy.


  • Proxy bypass entries can begin with a protocol type, such as http://, https://, or ftp://. However, if a protocol type is used, the exception entry applies only to requests for that protocol.

  • Protocol values are not case sensitive and you can use a wildcard character (*) in place of zero or more characters.

  • You must use a semicolon between your entries.

  • This list is limited to 2064 characters

Thanks Santosh Ji

This list is limited to 2064 characters !!


Your this resolution works for me.