Upgrading ADFS

Alexander Grant | Tue, 12 Nov 2019 at 13:20 hours | Replies : 1 | Points : 50

Category : ADFS

I have a few ADFS 3.0 Servers with SQL database server.

I would like to upgrade, my plan is to keep using the same server name and IP address.

Can I just rename the old server - shutdown the server without uninstalling the ADFS service. just in case if I need to recover?

or does this cause an issue while adding a new server with the same name into the ADFS Farm?

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Hi Alexander,

I did not face such scenario. As i can see ADFS works on DNS name resolution, and you are keeping the same name so it should not create the problem.


note these point.

# make sure only one server up at a time, else you will face IP conflict issue.

# you have to rejoin the server to domain again as AD trust will removed will old server as long as you will add new server with same name.

# safer side you can use Remove-AdfsFarmNode command to add/remove servers in farm.


Hope it will help you.


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